Football Story - a game about footballers life in the neighborhood

Hey everyone,

Let us present you the game we are developing.

Football Story - game about footballer's life in the neighborhood.

Project consists of 2 parts - online and story mode.

Currently we are developing online part - it will be online multiplatform sports session based football rpg.

You will choose a player for yourself and will participate in matches with other players against other neighborhoods.

One of the most important features about our game is that you can control only your player, not the whole team. This creates new gameplay when playing not only with the ball but also without the ball - gain position, outsmart opponents, disturb other teams goalkeeper and many others.


- Online football with control over one player - each player is controlled by one player only

- Receive experience, gain levels and hone your and your player's skills

- Multiplatform from pc to Apple TV and smartphones support. Different controls for each platform.

- Opposing teams are formed through matchmaking system

- Control is action based meaning how well you play directly affects your performance.

We will be talking more about our game in the upcoming weeks.

Stay tuned!


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